martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

The begining

Voy a crear un nuevo blog para ir pyblicando la novela que estoy escribiendo. Lo pongo por capítulo, aunque nadie lo vaya a leer XD

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

In spanish. I'm sick of my silence

1. Echan a una profesora que vale la pena tenerla, porque es en verdad una muy buena persona.
2. Mi política: tengo derecho a expresar lo que pienso, por eso pongo esto y no me importa que lo lean :)
3. Yo creí que el colegio estaba para ayudarte a expresar lo que sentis, no a reprimir
4. Es una falta de respeto a los alumnos que nos digan qué hacer en vez de decir lo que podríamos hacer
5. Odio su política institucional
6. Si siguen eliminando a profesores, el colegio quedará desolado
7. los que dirigen: no sirven, honestamente
8. Estoy cansada de no hacer nada, pero cuando el viento esté a mi favor, lo voy a hacer público
9. Yo creo en mis derechos

sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011

Another boring day

Boring day since I woke up...

I dreamt I was on vacation with my boyfriend. It was so beautiful the place. It looked like a beach, with blue sea. I really want that dream come true, but with my friends too. We were swimming next to a dolphin. Lot of coloured fishes swimming around us. Only that in 10 hours...

It makes me happy to look at my side and see him there :) Sweet and perfect to me. I hope this could happen every day in and out school :/ But it's imposible. He is not like that, but he was. I miss thet boy. Anyway, I love him

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

At school

Every friday...the same thing: nothing interesting

Next to my change

I know our life really sucks

But with my "family", is different.

My boyfriend bodering me with his kisses XD

It's funny...

Like I said: just a boring day U.U

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

home+work+cuevana ♥

So boring day...

Make a writting for school is...heavy...but I finished it

The day: 6:15 I got up. 7:20 catch the bus. 7:40 be at school. Then I had an english test...too boring. Then, more school, more school, more school...who created the school? Or the exams? PLEASE! Stop trying to kick our ass! I will not study my dear teacher! ;)

End of the day: Went to my house, ate meat with orange juice ♥ and then watched a movie

My dream: stop going to school and travel the world with my boyfriend and friends ♥

What am I thinking: This life sucks -.-

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

Some difficulties first writting is this...a description

My boyfriend: good guy, sometimes sweet.

My girl best friend: crazy, funny, sweet, writer. She makes her life like a novel, but I really love her

My boy best friend: he is an idiot, child's brain

My friends: the best people you could ever met. They are next to me every day. They are me family

Myself: I can't describe myself, but I'm unik